2011-10-24 - Pimmit Hills Loop with Sara


~4.5 miles @ ~9.9 min/mi

"Want to run? Today?" I text Sara Crum early in Monday morning. "Yes!" she replies. Sara and I met and ran with the "Bethesda Rebel Runners" in Maryland (cf. 2010-01-02 - Frigid CCT, Beach, Leland), but this is the first time that our schedules have sync'd up in her McLean 'hood. We meet in the office parking lot and do the same loop as I did solo a fortnight ago (2011-10-07 - Scott Run, Pimmit View, Griffith, Lemon Road Parks) around Pimmit Hills via Griffith Rd, Idylwood Rd, and Great Falls St. Our pace is comfortably brisk, marginally conversational. I quote mutual friend Rebecca Rosenberg's observation (2011-08-10 - RCT with Rebecca) that she goes faster when she's talking. "I go faster when I'm mad!" says Sara. "Shall I insult you?" I ask. "You don't need to; I'm almost always peeved at my husband!" she replies. We finish the loop and tag Sara's car in 44.5 minutes elapsed time.

^z - 2011-11-09